
Users in Hotpot

Adding users to Hotpot allows them to participate in schedules, manage teams or schedules, and to see all the operational data that is part of on-call work.

Inviting Users

You can invite a user to Hotpot by clicking the Users tab from Hotpot's root navigation and then clicking Invite user. You have the choice of adding the invited user directly to teams!

User configuration

When users join Hotpot, they should adjust their local time zone and working hours.

Time zone

Hotpot needs to know the time zone that a user is in to power its scheduling engine. When suggesting users or tracking disruption, it's key that Hotpot knows their time zone!

Time zones are adjusted by clicking your portrait at the top right of Hotpot, clicking Your Settings, and then selecting the On-call tab.

Working hours

Beyond just the time zone, Hotpot needs to know the hours a user typically works. Setting your working hours is vital to tracking disruption in Hotpot.

Set your working hours by clicking your portrait at the top right of Hotpot, clicking Your Settings, and then selecting the On-call tab.

Last updated