PagerDuty OAuth

How to use OAuth with PagerDuty and Hotpot.

It's easier to setup with a standard PagerDuty API key, unless your organization requires narrowly scoped API keys we recommend that approach.

Creating the PagerDuty application

After you sign-in to PagerDuty, under Integrations select App Registration (under Developer Tools)

Click the New App button in the header, and give it a reasonable name and description ("Hotpot" is fine!). In the next screen, under Functionality check the OAuth 2.0 box, then click Next.

Under Authorization, select Scoped OAuth and then Add Redirect URL (you cannot change Redirect URLs after this step, ensure this is correct). Add

Under Permission Scope ensure that at least the following are selected:

  • Escalation Policies: Read & Write

  • Oncalls: Read

  • Schedules: Read & Write

  • Teams: Read Access

  • Users: Read Access

  • Users Contact Methods: Read Access

Click Register App and you will have your Client ID and Client Secret. It's a good idea to also download the credentials for future reference.

In another window, load Hotpot and go to the Organization Settings -> Integrations, then click PagerDuty. There will be two fields for Client ID and Client Secret. Enter the Client ID and Client Secret, then click Save and Hotpot is ready to link with PagerDuty.

After this, click the "Link to PagerDuty" button to complete the connection and the PagerDuty integration is now setup. If you are using the PagerDuty Schedule Sync, it needs to be enabled and configured for each schedule which is available from the team page.

Last updated