
Get the status of an issued request

Using the request ID you received from the original call, you can check the status of your request and potentially other things about it, depending on the type of request.

GET /request/:request_id/status

Get the processing status of an issued asynchronous request, like a page.

cURL example:

curl -X GET<request_id>/status -H "Authorization: Bearer my-api-key"

Example response:

    "response": {
      "message_request_id":"<hotpot request ID>",
      "status": "accepted",
      "status_message": "Page queued for delivery!",
      "errors": [],
      "message_id": "<message ID>"

GET /request/:request_id/acknowledgements

See who has acknowledged a page.

cURL example:

curl -X GET<request_id>/acknowledgements -H "Authorization: Bearer my-api-key"

Example response:

    "response": [
        "acknowledged_at": "2024-05-28T20:49:25.029Z",
        "acknowledged_by_email": "",
        "acknowledged_by": "<user ID>",
        "status": "handled"

Last updated