How to integrate Datadog with Hotpot.
Last updated
How to integrate Datadog with Hotpot.
Last updated
This guide will walk you through setting up the Hotpot Datadog integration in Hotpot. You will be able to automatically create Hotpot Moments and/or Pages for the on-call when Datadog detectors fire.
To complete this setup, you'll need three things:
An API key from Datadog
An application key from Datadog
The URL by which you access your Datadog account
First, we'll connect your Hotpot organization to your Datadog account.
In Hotpot, open the dropdown from your user avatar in the top-right and select "Integrations." Then, Datadog. The form will ask for three things: Datadog API key, Datadog Application key, and Datadog Site URL.
Log into Datadog. At the bottom left, where it shows your username, open the menu and select "API Keys." Create a new key. Name it whatever you like, such as "Hotpot integration." Copy the secret (not the Key ID) into Hotpot's "Datadog API key" field.
Next, from the bottom left username menu, select "Application Keys." Create one with whatever name you want here as well, like "Hotpot integration." Again, copy the secret (not the Key ID) and put it in Hotpot's "Datadog Application key" field.
Finally, in Hotpot, select the site URL that you're using to access Datadog. Datadog has different URLs for different regions. You can learn more about Datadog sites here. Enter yours in the form and click Save in Hotpot!
In Hotpot, click "Test connection" to confirm that Hotpot can access your Datadog account.
In the Datadog sidebar, open the "Integrations" page. Scroll down to "Webhooks" and open it. In the list of Webhooks, you should see something like hotpot-moment-$TEAMSLUG
and hotpot-page-$TEAMSLUG
. You'll use these in your detectors to tell Hotpot to create Moments and Pages.
Datadog has extensive documentation for monitors and their notifications. This example should help you get things going.
Now that the one-time setup is complete, we'll walk through creating a detector that triggers these events in Hotpot. We'll need the team's slug to send Moments and Pages to the right team. You can find the slug by navigating to the team’s settings in Hotpot, which'll be shown at the top of the page.
In Datadog's sidebar, select Monitors, New Monitor, and Metric. You should be able to skip the "Choose the detection method" and "Define the metric" steps since this will be just a test. Under "Set alert conditions", put in dummy values for "Alert threshold" and "Warning threshold". In "Configure notifications & automations", enter "Testing Datadog integration" as the subject and this as the body:
Finally, click "Test Notifications" and start with "Alert." When you click "Run Test," Hotpot will page the on-call for your team.
Next, change the state from "Alert" to "Warn" and click "Run Test" again. This will create a Hotpot Moment for your team.
Now that we’ve verified Hotpot integration, you can finish setting up this detector with real data and messaging.
Organization admins can specify how to map Datadog's priorities to Hotpot's moment priority and page urgency.
Moments made from Datadog events can be mapped to moment priorities from the Datadog integration configuration screen via a threshold selector:
To keep things simple, this configuration allows you to define the range for medium. Anything below will be low, and anything above will be high!
Datadog's priority can be mapped to page urgency by selecting a threshold. Anything above the value chosen will be considered High urgency!