Moment groups

Groups of moments in Hotpot

A moment group is a collection of moments with a noise versus novel designation and, generally, a common theme. You create groups during triage, refine them during preparation, and discuss them during a handoff.

Noise versus novel

The first step in creating a group is picking one or more events and telling Hotpot if this group is noise or novel.

Noisy moments are those that pester you and don't create actionable outcomes. These are often noisy alerts or false alarms. Capturing this information can help you and your team learn what needs tuning or more investment.

Novel alerts are those that spur action and generate insight for the team. This might be a novel alert delivered at the right time, an incident that impacted customers, or a near-miss that could pay off with some investment.

Groups as themes

More importantly groups are something you might want to talk about in Handoff. When you create them, you're considering them for later discussion or at least for bookkeeping!

Moments can be in more than one group, and each group is meant to capture a theme. Hotpot tries to help with this by making some basic assumptions, like a group with an incident is probably about that incident. Noisy groups with alerts are likely about, well, a noisy alert! Over time Hotpot's capabilities in groups will expand but in terms of data we can infer as well as actions we can suggest based on the data therein.

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