Paging and notifications

Getting the attention of your on-calls

One of Hotpot's primary purposes is notifying your on-call folks when something goes wrong. This is commonly called paging even though nobody carries a pager anymore.

Paging someone

Pages come from two sources, integrations and people. By people, we mean folks initiating a page manually through the Hotpot application or separate tools, like Slack.

When you initiate a page you can select either an individual or a team and its schedule. What happens next:

  • When you page a person, Hotpot immediately notifies them. Since this is a single person, there's no escalation. The page stops here, pestering them until they handle the page.

  • When you page a team, the page will follow the rules dictated by the underlying schedule. Hotpot will start with the primary and follow the schedule until somone handled the page.

You can learn more about this process from the schedule settings.

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