
Hotpot's on-call schedules.

A schedule is a group of people who are on-call for the same thing.

Schedules and Teams

Today, a Hotpot team can have a single schedule. If your team has different needs, let us know!

Creating a Schedule

Creating a schedule is an optional part of creating a team. If you haven't already, see the docs for creating a team!

After creating a team, you will automatically be asked about creating a schedule. Yay! Let's talk about the settings you can adjust when building your schedule.

Schedule settings

Hey you! Hotpot is built with reasonable, healthy defaults. It's probably a good idea to leave them as-is. That said, if you need more power, let us know!



The name of the schedule.

Not very useful today, but later can be used to differentiate multiple schedules within the same team.


Some text to help folks know what this schedule is for.

Fill this in with the scope of the schedule. What is this schedule responsible for?

Prepare lead time

The lead time before the end of a stint at which an on-call person will be asked to prepare for handoff.

Stint length time

How long do you want each person to default to being on-call?

Hotpot may choose shorter on-call durations in a given stint if needed to fulfill the schedule.

Stint start weekday

On what day do you switch who is on-call?

Handoff time

At what time do you switch who is on-call?

Auto escalate

Determines if pages for this schedule will automatically escalate.

You probably want this!

Time to escalate

How long Hotpot should wait before escalating to the next person in the schedule.

Page repeat interval

If we reach the last person in an escalation path, how often should Hotpot bug that person… infinitely? :)

Hotpot does not repeatedly page someone unless it has no other option.

Terminal behavior

What should Hotpot do when it reaches the end of an escalation?

Adding users to the schedule

Your next step is choosing which users will be a part of your schedule. Hotpot calls a collection of users a pool, treating them as a source from which to draw the next person. To add someone, click the plus sign next to their name, which will move the user into the pool.

Fitness and ineligible users

To ensure users can be contacted, Hotpot verifies that the a user has all the appropriate settings and attributes to be successful in an on-call rotation. If a user is not present, Hotpot will provide a reason. An example is someone who hasn't entered a phone number when the schedules requires one.

Last updated