2025-02-28 Urgently Slacking
Hotpot release for 2025-02-28
Last updated
Hotpot release for 2025-02-28
Last updated
You can now select urgency for your page when initiated from Slack.
The scheduler now accommodates short coverage segments in it's recency calculation. Additionally, we've done some refactoring for easier tuning!
Integrations: Linear and Slack integrations now link to their documentation.
Integrations: Links to external systems are now more resilience to weird input.
Paging: The person or thing that paged, as well as the target of the page, are now links for your clicking pleasure.
UI: The team listing page has received a small facelift.
UI: Sneaky, long weeks were sometimes appearing in the scheduler calendar. 7 day weeks are long enough, tyvm.